R e s p o n s i b l e
F o r t h e
R e s p o n s i b l e
F o r t h e
The people most responsible for sweatshops are U.S. retailers, they care only for the money. There is no concern for the way thing get done, or the people hurt. They keep doing things the same way. Its like nomatter how hard they try to take them down U.S. retailers find a way. Sweatshops is a crisis, its something that has been going on more then needed. "Over the past 15 years, powerful U.S. clothing retailers such asWal-Mart, Lord & Taylor and The Gap have created a global sweatshop crisis." Mostly clothing retailer have had big sweatshops, they need their products done fast and cheap. They make a BRAND in the U.S. where they have loyal custmers, while they make it cheaply around the globe. This has made tremendous wealth for retail executives and shareholders. But what about the works who make the clothes? they suffer the consequences. Retailers control how much workers are paid and the conditions in which they work and live." U.S. apparel retailers have been the driving force behind the globalization of the apppared industry, shifting production form countries and regions with decent working standards to those where brutal regimes reign and workers have no rights. They have lowered living standards even for workers in develped countires such as the U.S." Sweatshops come in all shapes and sizes. They could be huge with 10,000 workers, or a few woman sewing garments at home.